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Our Ministries

Here at St. John's you can get plugged in in many ways! There are several committees and groups that meet regularly. Look below to get a snapshot and a person to connect with to get plugged in. 

We look forward to getting to know you better through these committees and ministries as well as watching God's gifts shine through you!


Committees are chaired by lay people or an elder and deacon pair. Regardless of the chair status, an Elder or Deacon from Consistory sit on each committee and report to the larger consistory about committee developments.

Worship and Technology// The Worship and Technology Committee strives to honor and glorify God through maintaining the sanctuary for prayerful engagement throughout the liturgical seasons.  Worship services are planned to incorporate music, scripture, communion and messages based on the RCA lectionary.  We work to engage all generations; all God’s children are welcome to participate and share their gifts to enhance our communal worship experience. 

Elder: Paul Finch
Deacon: Kayla Bell

Property// The Property Committee cares for the buildings on campus, upgrades and beautifies the grounds, and creates a physical space that is safe, welcoming, and hospitable to all who enter its premises.

Chair & Elder: Glenn Countryman
Deacon: Clifford King

Christian Education// Christian Education Committee is to provide opportunities that nurture, encourage, and empower people of all ages to learn, grow and live in their faith as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Chair & Elder: Desiree Albizu
Deacon: Annamarie Woelm

Finance// The committee's responsibilities include informing and advising the consistory of all church fiscal activities including, but not limited to, the annual budget, member offerings, pledge recordings, overseeing bill payments, preparation of monthly and year-to-date financial statements and maintaining insurance coverage.

Chair: Hop Michael
Elder: Glenn Countryman

Mission and Outreach//
Chair: Beverly Kipp
Elder: Desiree Albizu
Deacon: Laurie DeCiutiis

Fellowship// The Fellowship Committee seeks to foster care, hospitality and compassion with the congregation, expand involvement with other committees that have similar goals, and link to community both within our church and beyond.

Elder: Elizabeth Young

Deacon: Mary Hennessy

Personnel// The Personnel Committee is responsible for hiring and supervising St. John’s paid staff other than the Pastor. All employees of St. John’s are part time. For current employees, the Personnel Committee maintains job descriptions, supervises employees, holds reviews with staff, reviews compensation of employees and makes appropriate recommendations during the budget process. The committee also recruits, interviews, and makes hiring recommendations to Consistory for any open positions.

Chair: Terry Laibach
Elder: Glenn Countryman


Groups are just that, groups that meet here at St. John's! Feel free to reach out and plug in where you see yourself gifted or excited!

Leader: Eileen Zeliph

Women's Fellowship
Leader: Elizabeth Young

Men's Breakfast

Bible Study
Leaders: John and Karen Roberts

Book Club
Leader: Desiree Albizu

Food Pantry Volunteering
Deacon in Charge: 

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